How can I create a PDF Export of a Content Flow in the Yonder Dashboard?
It is possible to create a PDF Export of the information shown in Yonder as a User with only access to the Yonder Dashboard.
In the first instance the feature needs to be activated. Please contact your local Yonder System Owner if the function is not activated or set up.
Once set up and available for a document. Navigate to the Yonder Dashboard view of a document and the content flow you wish to create the PDF Export of:

Click on the 3 Dots shown in the top right corner of the Yonder view, and a dropdown menu will appear:

As can be seen in the screenshot above, the text “Print” is the last menu text. Click on this text and the following will be seen:

Here we see the options to:
Create a PDF Export of the “Complete document”, or to
Create a PDF of the "Current View"
In this case we wish to create a PDF Export only of the “view”, so we click on the “Current view” radio button.
For the individual printing of a module, we have a function where you can print a Content Flow using a menu in the Yonder Reader view. It is also possible to create a PDF Export of the whole document using this method.
Navigate to the view you wish to print in the Yonder reader view and then click on the "three dots" at the top right corner:
You will then see a menu, click on the "PRINT" text:
After clicking the "PRINT" text, you will see a box which will allow you to create a PDF Export of either a Current View (the Content Flow shown) or a Complete Document (this will take a bit longer to create):
For creating a PDF Export of the current Content Flow viewed, ensure the "Current View" Radio Button is blue (ticked) and then click on "Generate PDF" to create the PDF Export:
You will then see a blue box informing you that the PDF is being created, as shown above and then a download button will appear when the PDF Of the view is ready for download:
If you click the download button the PDF Export File wil be downloaded to your computer in the normal way: