Archive Documents
Discover practical tips on how to archive documents.
It is possible to Archive documents in the Admin Console. Once a document has been Archived, it is:
- No longer visible in the “Active” tab of the Admin Console Documents Tab view
- No longer visible in the Yonder Reader (Front End), Webclient or iOS App NG
- Visible in the “Archived” tab of the Admin Console documents view.
In order to Archive a document and it's document versions the following criteria must be met:
- The document, including all document versions must be released
- The latest revision is closed (does have an “effective: to date” in the past)
- There is NO draft version is available
The process for Archiving a document is as follows:
Navigate to the Admin Console of your tenant:

Next, move your mouse over the lefthand side of the document title you wish to Archive and you will see a “Folder” icon appear, with the words “Archive Document” being shown:

Clicking on this icon will show a popup window with a field in which a reason for the archiving of the document can be written:

Fill in the reason for the Archiving of the document in the field provided and when ready click "Confirm":

You will then see the message, “The Document is being archived. Please refresh the page in a moment”:

Wait a little time and then refresh the window using the web browser" refresh" button:

You will then see that the document has been Archived and is available in the “Archived” Tab in the Admin Console Documents view:

It is possible to restore Archived Documents and this is achived by the following process.
Navigate to the “Archived” Tab in the Admin Console Documents view and move your mouse over the lefthand side of the document title you wish to restore from the Archive. A folder icon will appear with the text “Restore Document”:

Click on the “folder ” icon and you will see the following message:

Click on the “Confirm” button and the following message will be shown:

Wait a few moments and click on the “refresh” button to refresh the web browser and you will see the document restored to the “Active” Tab of the Admin Console Documents view, thus allowing it to be worked upon once more: