Documents - Overview
Discover how to navigate and manage documents effectively within the Admin Console.
The Documents view in the Admin Console allows the viewer to manage the Draft and Released documents that have been created in Yonder.
Looking at the window, there is a Menu in the left hand margin (A) and a main window which shows the library of documents in Yonder. There are 3 tabs located at the top left of the Documents window:
Active - shows a listing of the Active Documents in the Yonder Document Library
IQSMS - shows a library of all the IQSMS Regulation Document which have been imported into Yonder using the IQSMS/Yonder Connector.
Archive - shows all documents which have been archived in Yonder.
New Document
New Document - allows a user to create a new Document
Let us look at the Active tab first……..
The Active tab shows the current Draft and Released Documents which are contained in the Documents Library. The documents are listed in alphabetical order and various attributes of the documents are shown in columns:
- Title - The title of the document as shown in the Metadata of the document. This column has a search function for seaching quickly for a particular document.
- Type - The Document Type or workflow which is assigned to the document. This column can be sorted.
- Revision - The Revision number of the document, which is shown on a document version level when there are more than one revision of the document
- Status - simply if the document has been RELEASED or is still in DRAFT. This column can be filtered.
- Owner - This column shows the details of the Document Owner. This column also has a search function.
Creating a document
To create a new document, access the Documents tab that is part of the Yonder Admin Interface, followed by clicking on “New Document”, as depicted in the image below.

Continue by providing a Document title (1) and choose the appropriate Document Type (2). Attention: At the moment, the document type cannot be changed once selected here.

- Document Title: Can still be changed later, via the Metadata tab.
- Document Type: The importance of choosing the correct document type cannot be overstated, as it includes both the specific workflow and styling properties that will be applied to the newly created document. Attention: At the moment, the document type cannot be changed after the fact.
Once a document title has been provided and the suitable document type has been selected from the dropdown menu, continue by clicking on “create”.
Doing so will create the document, which will be visible as part of the document collection. To access it, simply click on the respective document row, as depicted in the image below:

Delete a document
In below two scenarios you may need to delete a document from Yonder permanently:
1. Delete a draft document:
If you have a draft document in Yonder that will never be released and holds no value anymore, it should be deleted.
2. Delete an archived document:
When an archived document in Yonder no longer holds any value, it should be deleted.
The following sections detail the steps to accomplish these tasks.
Delete a draft document
- The user has the role edit; see (here)
Steps to delete

- Click on the ACTIVE tab in the document list
- The front end shows all active documents in Yonder
- Hover over the document that should be deleted
- The frond end shows an
Delete Document
icon next on the list entry only IF there is only 1 document revision AND IF the revision is status draft
- The frond end shows an
- Click on the
Delete Document
icon- The front end shows a confirmation dialog
- Click
in the dialog- The front end shows a spinner and waits until the document has been deleted and shows a success message
The document and related information is deleted from Yonder.
In the Yonder offline app, during the subsequent synchronization, the storage space within the application will be freed up for new content. However, please note that this freed space will not be returned to the available disk space.
Delete an archived document
- The document list in the Admin Console is opened
- The user has the role doc_archive; see (here)
Steps to delete

- Click on the ARCHIVED tab in the document list
- The front end shows all documents in Yonder that have been archived before
- Hover over the document that should be deleted
- The frond end shows an Delete Document icon next to the Restore Document icon (if the user has the role doc_archive)
- Click on the Delete Document icon
- The front end shows a confirmation dialog
- Click DELETE in the dialog to remove the document permanently
- The front end displays a spinner and waits until the document has been deleted and shows a success message
The document and related information is deleted from Yonder.
In the Yonder offline app, during the subsequent synchronization, the storage space within the application will be freed up for new content. However, please note that this freed space will not be returned to the available disk space.