Admin Console - User Management
This functionality of the Yonder Admin Interface allows selected users to view and / or edit and create new users and to set the respective user permissions. This feature may or may not be activated in your organization’s Yonder setup depending on the commercial setup.
In case your Yonder tenant is connected to your organization’s own identity provider (IDP; typically, Microsoft Active Directory) then certain functions will not be available. Further details to which exact functions are not available for IDP users will be provided below.
The overview page (list of users) provides the following functions / information.

Searches for any given string. The search will be done in all columns and only matching results will be shown.
Adds new users.
User Name
Shows the username of the user.
Last Name
Shows the last name of the user.
First Name
Shows the first name of the user.
Shows the email address of the user.
The list of users can be sorted by clicking on the arrows in the required column, as highlighted in the image below.

By clicking on “Add” (highlighted in the image above), new users can be created and the required permissions (groups and / or roles) can be set. Please pay attention to the remarks in red.

Clicking on a specific user will open the “User details” view, where the following can be done:

Disables the user (temporarily or permanently) so that accessing Yonder is no longer possible.
Deletes the user. Remark: a confirmation is required before the user is deleted. Please note that this function is not available for IDP users.
Opens the “Edit user” view (please find further details below).
By clicking on “Edit”, the user’s details (email address, first name and last name) and the permissions (groups and / or roles) can be changed.
Remark: For IDP users the email address, first name and last name (highlighted in the image below) can’t be edited in Yonder, as this information is received directly from your organization’s IDP.