Documents - Content
The “Content” tab allows selected users to create new and edit existing modular content for a new document. Remark: Changes to released documents are initiated by change requests and implemented directly in the Yonder Reader Online.
For ease of reference, its functionalities are marked with numbers that refer to the tabs below the image.

Add Module
Allows users to add a new information module to the document
Edit Title
Allows users to edit the title for the selected information module.
Edit Content
Allows users to create / edit the content for the selected information module.
Delete Module
Allows users to delete the selected information module.
Add Reused Content
Allows users to reuse content from another document that was previously added to the clipboard.
Add Module to Clipboard
Allows users to add the selected information module to the clipboard, in order to reuse or link it. This is also available for released documents.
Expand view to display entire module tree
Allows users to quickly expand all of the modules to show the entire hierarchy.
Add Module
To create a new information module, click on “Add Module”, followed by providing a title for the newly created module.

Once created, simply drag and drop the information module to the desired location within the document tree. Information modules can also be grouped / nested together in order to create the desired hierarchies. The animation below shows two drag and drop examples.

Edit Modular Content
To create / edit the actual content of an information module, select the respective module and click on “Edit Content”. Once finalized, click on the arrow on the top left and save your progress by clicking on “Save” thereafter, if so desired (see illustration below).

To inspect your progress via the document's draft version in the Yonder Reader, click on “Publish” after saving, as highlighted in the image below.

The successful publishment of the updated information to the Yonder Reader is confirmed by a message similar to the one depicted below.

Remark: Make sure to reload the Yonder Reader before trying to view any of the applied changes previously published, as they won't be visible otherwise.
Insert content by copy / paste
These instructions provide a guide on how to achieve specific copy and paste behaviors based on the two selection methods implemented in Yonder:
- Triple Click Selection:
- To copy a block of text with its formatting intact, triple-click on the text to select the entire block.
Result: The behavior during paste might involve wrapping the pasted content in a table or list based on the source formatting.
- End-to-End Selection:
- For copying only the text and its formatting, manually select the text from the beginning to the end without triple-clicking.
Result: When pasting, the content will maintain its original formatting without being wrapped in a table or list.
Copying and Pasting without Formatting:
- Copy
Copying without formatting involves storing only the plain text content in the clipboard, discarding any formatting applied to the selected text.
Windows: Highlight the text and press "Ctrl + Shift + C" or "Ctrl + Alt + C" depending on the application.
macOS: Highlight the text and press "Cmd + Option + C."
Paste without Formatting: - Paste
Pasting without formatting retrieves only the plain text content from the clipboard and applies the default formatting of the destination location.
Windows: Position the cursor and press "Ctrl + Shift + V" or "Ctrl + Alt + V" depending on the application.
macOS: Position the cursor and press "Cmd + Shift + V."
Insert / Format Tables
To insert a table, click on the table icon and select the grid size. The grid size is still adjustable after table insertion. Once inserted, click on any of the table rows to display additional formatting options, as illustrated below.

Link Options
There are several different link types available, all of which are accessible via the link icon .
Link to external resources
To link text to any external source outside of Yonder, mark the respective text and choose the first of the available link options .

Link to internal source
To link text to any internal source available in Yonder, add the desired module to the clipboard first, which can be done both via the Yonder Content Manager (not shown here) or the Yonder Reader Online (as illustrated below). In both cases, this is accomplished by choosing the option “Add to Clipboard”.
To do so via the Yonder Reader Online, access the desired information module, followed by clicking on the three line icon and choosing “Add to Clipboard”.

Back in the editor window, mark the respective text that you would like to make a clickable link and choose the the second of the available link options from the toolbox, which provides you with the following popup window:
The title field is automatically populated with the text that the user has marked beforehand. If left empty instead, it will replace the marked text with the title of the module that the user is linking to.
Link Type
Inline: The default option. Ensures that the link always points to the currently valid version of the information module the link is pointing to.
Inline Fix: Seldomly used. Ensures that the link always points to the version of the information module that it was initially linked to, no matter whether a revised version exists.
Link Target
Shows all of the available content that was added to the clipboard. Select the suitable target link and click on “Insert” to finalize the linking process.
See the animation below for an example.

Module-internal link
In some instances, users may need to place module-internal links as well (e.g. for step-by-step procedures). To do so, begin by marking the information you'd like to link to, i.e. the link target. Then select the anchor icon from the link options in the toolbox.
There is now an anchor next to the text that the user would like to link to. Remark: The anchor is not going to be visible outside of the Yonder Content Manager's Editor view, of course.
Next, mark the text that you'd like to make a clickable link and select the link-anchor symbol from the link options in the toolbox and finalize the process thereafter.
See below for a complete example.

Upload File
Files can be directly uploaded and automatically made available in the document via the link it generates. Such files then become available via the created link both in the Yonder Reader Online and the Yonder Reader Offline.
To do so, click on the “Upload File” icon , followed by selecting the desired file(s).

Remark: You can change the name of the created link manually, if so required. To do so, click right next to the link and move the blinking cursors anywhere within that link, by using the arrows on your keyboard. Finally, delete all of the remaining text fragments. See below for an example.