Why can't I see my documents in the Dashboard Library card?
Sometimes it is possible that as a User you will not see the documents you are expecting to see in the Dashboard Library Card:

This could be due to the following:
- Role Reset required
- Filters are on
- Draft Documents v. Released documents
Role Reset required - If the permissions you have for access to the documents available have been changed in some way recently, it could be that you need to “Reset your Roles”. This is done using the “ROLE RESET” which is accessed using the “Hamburger” shown at the top left of the Yonder Web Client Dashboard view:

Having clicked the “Hamburger”, a menu will appear from the left side of the window. Now click on the “Role Settings” text:

In the next screen click on the “Reset” text at the bottom right of the screen (there is no need to save):

This action will reset your roles with in Yonder, you can then return to the Dashboard view, and you should see the documents you are missing.
Please note: If this procedure does not work first time, please try again a short time later as there is sometimes some lag in the system.
Filters On - It is also possible that the Filter function is active from a previous session:
This is fairly easy to spot as there is an indication of the filters active at the top of the Dashboard Library Card, as shown in the image above.
Either deactivate the filter, by clicking the “X” of the active filter, or you can adjust the filter using the BLUE “Filter” button at the bottom of the Library Card to deactivate it:

Draft Documents v. Released documents - In Yonder, the view of the documents is based on DRAFT or RELEASED Documents. Either DRAFT documents are shown in the Library Card or RELEASED documents, but not both at the same time.
Therefore, it could be possible that a document is not being shown because it is a DRAFT document, but the default view of documents in the Library Card is for RELEASED documents.
If you are looking for a DRAFT document, then select the “DRAFT” Filter in the BLUE “Filter” button at the bottom of the Library Card:
On clicking the BLUE “Filter” button, in the menu displayed you will see a “STATUS” entry:

Click on the “STATUS” entry and select “Draft” instead of “Released”:

This will then show only “DRAFT” documents in your Library Card: