General Search
Learn how to find the information you need quickly and efficiently with general search techniques.
In the primary sidebar pane you find the global search tab. Clicking on this will open the supporting sidebar with the search field and sort and filter options.

Search is designed to enable you to quickly and easily locate specific information within Yonder. Here are some typical steps that a search function might take:
- Enters a search term in the 2nd sidebar → the search results will be listed
- Results are displayed in the supporting (2nd) sidebar:
- Refine the search by adjusting the search term or applying sort and filter functions (see below)
- Select a result: you can click on a specific search result to access more detailed information about it.
Note: when a result is selected, the search tab is opened in the sidebar - you are now automatically in the document search. Clicking the ‘close icon’ (x) top left will bring the user back to the global search.
Search Options
Various search algorithms are implemented to support you in finding the correct results. These algorithms are described in the following sub chapters below.
Exact search
The exact search allows to find search results for exactly the entered term:
- put the search term in apostrophe or quotes eg. ‘carrier’ or “carrier”
Proximity (nearby) search
Proximity search finds results with multiple words that are not adjacent to each other.
A maximum of 10 words in-between the 2 search terms is allowed to qualify as a search hit.
- enter ‘&’ or ‘ & ’ (with spaces) between the two search terms (eg. fan & bleed or fan&bleed)
Stemmed search
The search logic will stemm certain word so that search hits.
- For the search term ‘airports’ the search hit ‘airport’ is found as well
Truncated search
Yonder can find search results on truncated term under certain conditions. If you do not find the desired search hit, please refine your search.
Filter & Sort Options
Overall, sort and filter options help you to effectively manage and manipulate larger sets of data, making it easier to find, organize, and analyze your information.
Filter options allow you to narrow down a dataset by selecting specific criteria or conditions. Filtering can help you focus on relevant data and exclude irrelevant or redundant information.
- Tags
- Users can filter information based on the available tag domains
- Owners
- Users can filter information based on document owners
Sort options allow you to arrange data in ascending or descending order based on a selected column or criteria. For example, in a list, you can sort a list of names alphabetically or sort a list of numbers from smallest to largest. This can make it easier to find specific information.
- Document name (A → Z)
- Document name (Z → A)
Resetting the filter and sort options sets your criteria back to your standard user settings based on your roles in the system. All manually added or removed tags will be reset.