Documents - Edit vs. Publish
As part of the header section, the Yonder Content Manager allows selected users to use the “Edit” (1) and / or “Publish” (2) functionality.

- Edit: Allow users to edit those parts of the document that correspond to their respective role within the editing process. Remark: Any applied changes to the document are not automatically visible in the Yonder Reader. To make the document's progress accessible to selected users via the Yonder Reader, the document must be published (see below).
- Publish: Publishes the latest draft version of the document to the Yonder Reader. Remark: Such drafts are only visible to users with the corresponding role, thereby allowing them to inspect the draft in detail. Or in other words: Most users are not going to be able to see such drafts. Instead, such users still see the latest approved version of the corresponding document, if applicable.