How can I Submit a Ticket to the Yonder Support Portal?
Yonder Service Desk
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- All Tickets
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Opening a "New Support Ticket"

Click the “new Support Ticket” link:

Fill out the various fileds in the form.
Form fields Explained
- Requester: Yor email will be filled in here
- Subject: Write the subject of your ticket
Type: There are three possible ticket types that can be created:
- Service Request
- Feature Request
- Bug Report
- Description of Issue (Please describe the steps that lead to the Issue): write a detailed description of your issue with as much infiormation as you can. Please include links and screen shots as applicable
- Please indicate which browser or device you are using: Enter the name of the web browser(s) you were using at the time of the issue
- Link to the Page(s) in Yonder: Please paste the URL of the pages in Yonder which are relevant to your issue
- Please indicate Date & Time when the Issue occured: Please enter a rough date and time when the issue occured. This will help our IT Support Team to investigate the issue more accurately
Once the form fields are completed, click on the submit button:

You will then see a confirmation message that your ticket submission has been received and the Yonder Support Team will contact you in due course.